Why I need a Health Coach

Wendi Young | July 30, 2023

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Health coaches are professionals who work with clients to help them improve their physical health and well-being. They partner with clients to create individualized plans and goals based on their needs and challenges. Change is often difficult, even if it is something we really want! A health coach is your personal cheerleader, guide and partner. They help you with lifestyle changes to improve your physical and mental health.  Health coaches help people sort out where to start and make small changes that grow overtime to help you live an overall healthier life. 

Here are some ways a health coach can help YOU:

Health coaches can provide individualized support wherever you’re at on your health journey. They approach your specific needs with a holistic, 360-degree perspective, taking into account body and mind.

Health coaches can help you implement lifestyle changes to improve your physical health. 

Health coaches work to mentor, inspire and motivate. These efforts, along with the active partnership coaches create with their clients, ultimately lead to a more permanent state of change because clients have practiced and nurtured a specific set of skills and tools to support that change. 

A health coach helps create goals by looking at what stage of change you’re in and what action you’re ready to take. A health coach just leads you in putting the pieces together for yourself. You figure out how to make the changes that work for your life.

A health coach gets you “unstuck” by helping you figure out what’s keeping you from reaching your health goals. Your coach regularly checks in with you by email, phone calls or in-person meetings, usually over the course of at least three months. During those conversations, a health coach asks questions to get you thinking about how you can overcome challenges.

Are you struggling with eating better, managing stress, managing time, exercising, sleep, etc? Contact us, let us help you get back on track to living a healthier, more fulfilling lifestyle!