Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect at my first massage session?

At Young Wellness LLC, we require you to fill out as intake form and liability waiver online before your appointment. At the beginning of your appointment the therapist will begin by reviewing your intake form with you to establish what areas you would like worked on, if there are any conditions needing to be addressed, and to determine if massage is appropriate for you. It is important to list all health concerns and medications so the therapist can adapt the session to your specific needs without doing any harm. It is also important to list any allergies so the therapist is aware if he/she needs to use a different oil or lotion during the session.

Will the intake process/ consultation take time from my massage?

No, the time you choose for your massage is the amount of hands-on time you will receive. We will schedule enough time to talk about your needs and expectations of the session. Please note that this is only guaranteed if you are on time for your appointment.

Should I and/or is it ok to talk during a massage?

We believe the amount of conversation held during a massage session is completely up to the client. Many clients prefer a silent therapist in order to get completely relaxed. We understand that and will make sure that unless you'd like to talk, we will only ask you questions related to your body and the massage session.  If you like to talk during your session, we are delighted to do so. Some people find it's easier to relax if they are able to maintain light conversation. Many times, clients will talk just a little bit to get comfortable with the therapist/situation and then are able to relax and become quiet. Never feel like you have to be quiet or keep a conversation going. As with all aspects of our therapeutic sessions, it's all about your comfort!

How often should I receive a massage?

To the answer the question directly, you should get a massage whenever you feel that you need one. That may depend on your reasons for receiving a massage.

For those who use massage as preventative care or to manage daily stress, once or twice a month is common.

For those who work in a high-stress environment, have daily activities that risk causing repetitive-motion injuries or postural issues, or suffer from chronic tightness that is interfering with your daily life, weekly sessions might be best. Keep in mind that the effects of regular massage are cumulative, and spacing them too far apart might leave you back at square one every time.

Most people find that they need more frequent sessions to start, slowly decreasing frequency as their muscles elongate and relax. Some therapists will also suggest stretches you can do at home to maintain muscle balance longer between sessions.

What can Massage Therapy treat and how can it help me?

Massage Therapy can benefit people of all ages and conditions and is used to treat and obtain relief from a wide range of specific issues, such as:

  • Inflammatory conditions such as tendonitis and arthritis
  • General stress relief
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Cramps, spasms, strains and sprains
  • Repetitive strain injuries
  • Circulation issues
  • Pregnancy discomfort
  • Back pain
  • Sciatic nerve compression and pain
  • Anxiety and much moreā€¦

What is yoga?

Yoga is a combination of physical postures (Asana), breathing techniques (Pranayama), and meditative practices that help achieve an overall physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy life.

What are the benefits of yoga?

Physically yoga improves strength, balance, and flexibility. It helps with many ailments such as back pain, shoulder pain and is good for heart health. Mentally yoga relaxes the mind and helps in stress management which implies more energy and brighter mood. 

Do I have to be flexible to practice yoga?

If you are not flexible, yoga is a great way to become more flexible. One main point of yoga is to gain flexibility and strength. Your body will become more flexible with regular yoga practice. 

Can I practice yoga if I am overweight?

Yes, you can practice yoga at any weight, size, and fitness level. A good yoga instructor can help you adjust poses and positions to accommodate your body type and shape.

What should I wear to class?

For clothing, just wear something comfortable that you can move well in. Athletic clothing is perfectly fine. For yoga and Pilates, you will not wear shoes. For Tai Chi, you can wear closed toe shoes or go without shoes. Whatever is most comfortable for you. 

What should I bring to class?

You don't need to bring anything to class other than yourself! We suggest bringing a water bottle to stay hydrated, a yoga mat, blocks, straps, etc are all optional. We have all of these in our studio that you can use if you don't have your own!